WEBVTT X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:90000,LOCAL:00:00:00.000 00:20.053 --> 00:22.789 Welcome to “Potluck,”, where we're bringing everything 00:22.789 --> 00:23.356 to the table 00:23.990 --> 00:27.160 by interviewing the best in food from across New York City. 00:31.231 --> 00:31.631 Tonight 00:32.465 --> 00:34.501 we're having a few chefs over who are taking us deep into 00:34.501 --> 00:35.068 their hearts. 00:35.635 --> 00:37.404 And we're going to start with a little trip down South. 00:37.904 --> 00:39.973 I am here with chef, Kenny Gilbert, 00:39.973 --> 00:41.741 the author of the new book, 00:41.741 --> 00:43.576 “Southern Cooking, Global Flavors.” 00:43.576 --> 00:45.245 Thank you so much for being here. 00:45.245 --> 00:46.413 Oh, thanks for having me. 00:46.413 --> 00:49.049 So a lot of people know you from your restaurants, 00:49.049 --> 00:50.016 from “Top Chef.” 00:50.116 --> 00:52.085 But tell me, what inspired you to write this book? 00:52.085 --> 00:53.520 Because, I mean, a cookbook is a real 00:53.520 --> 00:54.220 labor of love. 00:54.220 --> 00:56.890 And you've done a lot already. 00:57.257 --> 00:59.826 Well, during COVID, you know, we were kind of 01:00.060 --> 01:03.029 sitting around the house like, h we can't go anywhere. 01:03.029 --> 01:04.764 I've always wanted to write one. 01:04.764 --> 01:06.266 And it's like it was the right t 01:06.266 --> 01:10.203 because I had a lot of things to and I had the time to do it. 01:10.203 --> 01:11.438 Yeah. Right. 01:11.438 --> 01:13.873 Which as a chef, never really ha 01:13.940 --> 01:15.742 Never happened? Yeah. 01:15.742 --> 01:18.111 One of the things that I love ab this book is 01:18.445 --> 01:22.615 it's not just a Southern cookboo and not to denigrate Southern co 01:22.615 --> 01:23.349 We love them. 01:23.817 --> 01:27.520 But I think that the importance of the global influence 01:27.520 --> 01:31.524 on Southern cuisine is something not talked about enough, and tha 01:31.524 --> 01:33.126 where you start your book. 01:33.126 --> 01:35.261 So why was that the angle that you wanted to tak 01:35.261 --> 01:37.297 You know, so I love 01:38.098 --> 01:39.732 eating different restaurants. 01:39.732 --> 01:41.801 I love traveling around the worl 01:41.801 --> 01:44.704 And so I love to go out to eat a 01:44.704 --> 01:47.974 And so being that, you know, who 01:48.308 --> 01:51.211 as a country, you know, we're a huge melting p 01:51.444 --> 01:53.580 You have this all these differen 01:53.580 --> 01:57.150 that are mixed down there and that also love Southern food 01:57.383 --> 02:01.488 And I figure, like, you know, why not be able to showcase my t 02:01.821 --> 02:04.657 favorite dishes and then also sh 02:04.657 --> 02:07.494 some variations of how you can e it based on your cultural influe 02:07.494 --> 02:08.161 Yeah. 02:08.761 --> 02:12.332 And so we're going to do that to with a recipe that I adore becau 02:12.332 --> 02:14.300 originally from the South, so I love collard greens. 02:14.300 --> 02:16.336 I don't think they get their due 02:16.336 --> 02:19.506 but this has a sauce that's very reminiscent of Asian 02:19.506 --> 02:21.774 It's all all sorts of things combined into one. 02:21.774 --> 02:23.409 So tell us what we're making tod 02:23.409 --> 02:28.414 So this is the chapter Collard G and Cornbread, which I absolutel 02:28.414 --> 02:29.782 I love that combination. 02:29.782 --> 02:32.852 And this is our collard greens Thai Colorado salad. 02:33.319 --> 02:35.922 So we basically have collard gre that we basically cut 02:35.922 --> 02:39.025 into a nice little thin strips and chiffonade is what we 02:39.025 --> 02:41.327 And if you want to be fancy, fan 02:41.694 --> 02:43.196 But very thin strips. 02:43.196 --> 02:45.365 And so I love Thai food. 02:46.199 --> 02:48.801 What's not to love of the Thai f 02:48.801 --> 02:51.938 I love the salty, the sweet, the 02:51.938 --> 02:57.043 And so we made a dressing here with actually has dried shrimp. 02:57.277 --> 02:59.979 And there's some fish sauce and sugar. 03:00.547 --> 03:02.815 There's bird chilies. 03:02.815 --> 03:05.618 There's garlic, Thai basil. 03:05.718 --> 03:07.487 And so we have all these nice fl 03:07.487 --> 03:10.490 And here this and the extra nice sweet and spicy kind of flavor, 03:10.823 --> 03:13.059 which is gonna go very well with the collars. 03:13.059 --> 03:15.295 I like to add a little bit of my regular collard greens. 03:15.295 --> 03:17.564 I like to add, you know, apple cider vinegar, 03:17.697 --> 03:19.999 a little hint of sugar, a little pressure of pepper. 03:19.999 --> 03:23.970 So for me, in my mind that the balance of that acidity 03:23.970 --> 03:26.906 and spice and sweetness plays perfectly with this. 03:26.906 --> 03:27.740 Right. 03:28.208 --> 03:31.678 And I think collards, you know, I like to liken them to kale. 03:31.678 --> 03:33.746 You need a stronger dressing. 03:33.746 --> 03:35.348 You need something to really get 03:35.348 --> 03:40.220 So, you know, when people are de with collards as a raw base for 03:40.220 --> 03:43.489 or a salad, what do you recommen people approach them with? 03:43.723 --> 03:47.694 So I think it's always safe to g I like to go like a vinegar 03:47.694 --> 03:50.930 based type of dressing and you want to kind of massage 03:51.331 --> 03:54.767 the brick, kind of break down th as part of it, you know, and the 03:54.767 --> 03:58.538 an a classic version of the sala and usually you've either green 03:58.538 --> 04:00.273 or green papaya. Yeah. 04:00.273 --> 04:03.209 Which has, you know, that same kind of texture is the gree 04:03.676 --> 04:06.012 So that's why this plays very we 04:06.012 --> 04:08.881 And so you always want to add a little bit of sweetness to it 04:08.881 --> 04:10.750 because it does have a little bitters to it. 04:10.750 --> 04:12.852 So that's how I help break it do 04:12.852 --> 04:14.020 And so that's what we did here. 04:14.020 --> 04:16.055 So we have the dressing which we already made 04:16.589 --> 04:18.958 is the dice of some vegetables real quick here. 04:19.392 --> 04:24.697 So we're going to cut up a littl of bell pepper, little small pie 04:25.031 --> 04:27.800 And I like to get these little b bell peppers. 04:27.800 --> 04:29.102 Okay. I was like, they're so cut 04:30.270 --> 04:32.472 And again, like, we have the shipping out n 04:32.472 --> 04:34.607 We're doing small, you know, why is it important to sort of 04:34.607 --> 04:37.277 keep everything in there to get that texture and every bi 04:37.443 --> 04:40.413 So I like to make sure that 04:40.613 --> 04:44.484 I don't like big chunks of thing in the salad because again, 04:44.584 --> 04:47.487 you want to enjoy multiple bites 04:48.421 --> 04:52.158 and having the texture and the pieces in every bite. 04:52.158 --> 04:55.828 Sometimes it is too big, then yo kind of go searching around for 04:55.828 --> 04:58.464 And I think it's okay in some at some points. 04:58.464 --> 05:02.802 But with the Peppers, I think it to have them as small pieces or 05:02.802 --> 05:06.939 and you know, this is the kind o where it also would work, like w 05:06.939 --> 05:10.610 other things you have in your fr and crisper drawer. 05:10.610 --> 05:13.146 Like, are there things you would throwing in versus not? 05:13.146 --> 05:13.846 Absolutely. 05:13.846 --> 05:15.848 You know, if you if you happen t 05:15.848 --> 05:19.319 you know, a little daikon radish you know, flambé with baby radis 05:19.619 --> 05:22.288 if you like broccoli, you just cut a little florets up 05:22.422 --> 05:25.458 Cauliflower will work well with this as well. 05:25.925 --> 05:28.695 Yeah, it's I mean, I think that's what's so 05:28.695 --> 05:32.699 great about having a dressing li where like the dressing and the 05:32.699 --> 05:35.635 are such a great base for sort o whatever else you want to throw 05:35.635 --> 05:36.536 Absolutely. 05:36.869 --> 05:39.639 But the sweetness of the bell pe I think really pairs well here 05:39.639 --> 05:40.306 because again, when 05:40.907 --> 05:43.443 you have the bitterness of the g you want like sweet tomatoes, sw 05:43.443 --> 05:45.211 bell peppers. I mean, those are things that re 05:46.546 --> 05:47.980 match well. 05:47.980 --> 05:50.950 And the, you know, the colors are going to really pop as well. 05:51.818 --> 05:55.321 So here we have some of chopped if you don't like peanuts, 05:55.321 --> 05:58.358 but we're in this, you know, con this is southern and say, 05:58.725 --> 06:00.693 you know, a nice of a peanuts in 06:00.693 --> 06:01.361 Yeah. 06:01.494 --> 06:04.297 And then we had a dressing 06:04.797 --> 06:07.667 and then from there, you can kind of massage it all t 06:07.900 --> 06:12.572 The good thing is that this has also has enough sodium in it. 06:13.373 --> 06:14.173 Mm hmm. 06:14.507 --> 06:18.811 And then the palm sugar gives it sweetness is lime juice. 06:18.911 --> 06:20.646 There's bird chilies. 06:20.646 --> 06:21.848 This breaks out really nice. 06:21.848 --> 06:23.983 And the good thing is, you can make this up. 06:23.983 --> 06:26.419 You know, you want to go out to Yeah. A nice little. 06:26.719 --> 06:29.088 It holds a whole really nice. 06:29.088 --> 06:33.493 Yeah, well, and I also think it' when you have something 06:33.493 --> 06:36.763 where you already get that like you get the saltiness, all of th 06:36.763 --> 06:37.397 from there. 06:38.030 --> 06:40.366 And you don't need to keep tasti to being like, what more does th 06:40.366 --> 06:41.567 What's it missing? 06:41.567 --> 06:43.936 And as you can see, it's already breaking down here. 06:44.704 --> 06:45.605 And then from there, 06:46.572 --> 06:47.774 the plate. 06:47.774 --> 06:49.075 So. Yeah, gorgeous. 06:49.075 --> 06:49.375 Yeah. 06:49.776 --> 06:51.444 And the colors are just perfect. 06:52.945 --> 06:54.947 I mean, that's 06:55.548 --> 06:57.083 beautiful. 06:57.216 --> 06:59.552 And then all I could do after th 07:00.286 --> 07:03.289 I had one that's right on top. 07:03.289 --> 07:05.291 Yeah. Who doesn't want it? 07:05.291 --> 07:07.527 And then you have some more little fresh herbs. 07:07.527 --> 07:10.797 I have some Italian parsley here but if you have some Thai basil, 07:11.531 --> 07:16.436 purple basil, you can get more c in their color, but you don't ne 07:16.436 --> 07:19.105 I mean, this is just perfect, 07:19.105 --> 07:20.473 you know? Oh, my goodness. 07:20.473 --> 07:22.975 Kenneth, thank you so much for s how to make these 07:23.276 --> 07:24.811 this beautiful collard salad. 07:24.811 --> 07:27.246 And obviously, the book is avail 07:27.380 --> 07:28.648 You can get it anywhere. 07:28.648 --> 07:30.550 And where else can they find you 07:30.550 --> 07:32.752 Beyond the book, chef Kenny Gilb 07:34.086 --> 07:37.790 also on Instagram, Chef Kenny Gilbert and Facebook, chef 07:37.990 --> 07:40.159 So, you know, really different on every platter. 07:41.093 --> 07:41.661 Amazing. 07:41.794 --> 07:44.297 Thank you so much. Thanks for ha 07:44.297 --> 07:48.267 Finally tonight, we're ending on a favorite with a twist on pa 07:48.968 --> 07:53.339 I'm here with them, Shikha Alber And today we are making a twist 07:53.673 --> 07:57.310 on one of everyone's favorite items, pancakes. 07:57.310 --> 07:58.811 So what are we making today? 07:58.811 --> 08:01.481 And tell me that why we are doing this twist on panca 08:01.747 --> 08:04.150 So thanks for having me here. 08:04.150 --> 08:06.452 I'm making Katie pancakes today. 08:06.452 --> 08:09.489 So. Well, I live in New Hampshir Littleton, New Hampshire. 08:09.489 --> 08:12.925 Small little town, but a lot of pancake and maple s 08:12.925 --> 08:14.861 I was going to say zero big mapl 08:14.994 --> 08:16.028 Yes. Yeah. 08:16.028 --> 08:19.966 So we do it a little bit like not like usual 08:19.966 --> 08:23.469 We just add a little bit more li flavor in it and then something 08:23.469 --> 08:26.138 topping to make it more interest like change some, 08:26.272 --> 08:28.508 you know, something like different every d 08:28.508 --> 08:29.141 Right? Right. 08:29.141 --> 08:30.376 We always want new pancakes. 08:30.376 --> 08:32.278 So this starts with the tea. 08:32.278 --> 08:34.547 How do you make sort of the tea for this? 08:34.547 --> 08:38.551 So we're going to use like two tablespoon of tea. Mm. 08:38.551 --> 08:43.055 In this tea bag provided by Ali, I was going to say we have, 08:43.055 --> 08:47.226 you can use if you have those li you know, strainer balls, that's 08:47.226 --> 08:50.663 Or you can use a tea bag if you can't find Thai tea. 08:50.663 --> 08:56.235 Would it be fine to do like a bl and add like vanilla and cinnamo 08:56.235 --> 08:58.304 Like, what would you recommend if someone couldn't find that? 08:58.304 --> 08:59.238 You know what? I would do it. 08:59.238 --> 08:59.872 Oh, great. 08:59.872 --> 09:00.072 Like, 09:00.773 --> 09:01.741 you know, something like do having a count 09:02.041 --> 09:05.044 in your cup or you can do someth different, whatever you like. 09:05.044 --> 09:08.247 Lavender It wouldn't be bad to g Coca-Cola. 09:08.581 --> 09:09.181 Yeah. 09:09.582 --> 09:11.884 And you know, take this beautiful thing about 09:12.752 --> 09:13.653 is has 09:13.986 --> 09:17.890 like orange color and you can si like for, like a minute or so. 09:17.890 --> 09:19.725 I would do like one or 2 minutes 09:19.725 --> 09:22.862 And we are doing this in butterm like and a cup of buttermilk 09:22.862 --> 09:26.599 because the buttermilk just adds extra fluffiness. 09:26.599 --> 09:29.001 Yeah, that's the secret of the fluffy 09:29.001 --> 09:31.938 Make it great. So our tea is going to steep. 09:32.338 --> 09:33.406 So now it's. 09:33.406 --> 09:34.941 We've got the dry ingredients. 09:34.941 --> 09:36.676 What do we have? 09:36.676 --> 09:40.446 We have to a cup of flour I AP five to put it 09:40.680 --> 09:44.550 so just regular sugar that to four tablespoon of sugar 09:44.784 --> 09:48.087 and then you use baking soda and baking powder. Yes. 09:48.087 --> 09:50.756 Talk me through that, because we want fluffiness all t 09:50.756 --> 09:51.591 We want fluffiness. 09:51.591 --> 09:54.060 So baking soda would help a litt 09:54.060 --> 09:55.962 You know, Marley flour to rise u 09:55.962 --> 09:59.298 Oh, and then always says a pinch 09:59.932 --> 10:04.537 Yeah I want to let's mix up a little butter and eggs. 10:04.537 --> 10:06.606 Yeah. Can't get any better. 10:06.606 --> 10:10.109 Exactly. 10:10.109 --> 10:13.079 And you're just using you know, not a ton of liquid here 10:13.079 --> 10:14.981 because we're going to add in the buttermilk. 10:14.981 --> 10:17.450 So you don't want to go overboar on the average butter, 10:18.584 --> 10:23.823 but. Okay. 10:23.823 --> 10:24.223 All right. 10:24.857 --> 10:30.329 Now we're going to put buttermil into our amber. 10:30.329 --> 10:31.831 Yeah, I like the color of it. 10:31.831 --> 10:34.567 It makes it so fun, you know, it 10:35.434 --> 10:37.670 each color. Yeah. 10:38.004 --> 10:41.774 Yes. And with this, we're making it with the Thai TV 10:41.774 --> 10:44.644 You also have a ganache for us to end it with. 10:44.644 --> 10:48.247 It also has the keys to do it in both rooms. 10:48.914 --> 10:51.317 Now we can put in here. 10:51.317 --> 10:53.653 Beautiful. 10:53.653 --> 10:55.655 And I'll let you mix this one. A 10:55.655 --> 10:57.923 See how you. You're making skin. my God. 10:58.424 --> 11:01.527 I'm like, oh, no, don't get me. 11:01.527 --> 11:04.296 I mean, I do make a lot of panca because I have three kids. 11:04.296 --> 11:05.498 You have two kids? Sorry. 11:05.498 --> 11:06.532 Two? Yeah. 11:06.532 --> 11:09.802 I was going to say we live in a definite pancake wo 11:09.802 --> 11:11.804 That's pretty color. 11:11.804 --> 11:14.473 It just looks fun, you know? I k 11:15.274 --> 11:17.376 And thought, what if you like more butter to 11:17.376 --> 11:17.777 you know, 11:18.644 --> 11:21.280 you can add it more like you kno you don't have to be like so had 11:21.280 --> 11:24.550 what about you like to put my sw then you just added like sweetne 11:24.650 --> 11:28.654 I'll add a little bit of vanilla 11:28.654 --> 11:29.155 Yeah. 11:29.588 --> 11:33.559 You know, I never said there was too much 11:33.559 --> 11:34.894 Beautiful. 11:35.394 --> 11:36.862 So we have our pancake mix. 11:36.862 --> 11:39.065 We got our butter on our pan, on heat. 11:39.065 --> 11:42.234 We're ready to go. Ready to scoo 11:42.234 --> 11:43.969 Gorgeous. 11:43.969 --> 11:47.006 So for each pancake, you want, like, half cup. 11:47.006 --> 11:48.507 Perfect. 11:48.507 --> 11:49.341 Just like it. 11:49.742 --> 11:53.079 Like not to bake like medium kid love at this size you know, 11:53.412 --> 11:57.583 they can stick it on top, like, you know, like layers, right? 11:57.583 --> 11:59.685 But they also like they cook evenly enough. 11:59.685 --> 12:01.921 I feel like when they get too bi it's like you can't flip it. 12:01.921 --> 12:03.689 You can't do it right. 12:03.689 --> 12:05.591 And so what are you looking for 12:05.591 --> 12:07.326 To know that it's ready to flip. 12:07.326 --> 12:09.361 So I will look at like a bubble in the middle 12:09.361 --> 12:11.263 when you say like bubble in the and then they 12:11.263 --> 12:13.532 start to get brow at the edge. 12:13.532 --> 12:16.769 And while those are cooking, I want to talk about the ganache 12:16.769 --> 12:17.737 that you made. 12:17.837 --> 12:20.840 So ganache that I'm doing today, I use heavy cream. 12:20.840 --> 12:24.610 And about like one cup of semi w chocolate too young. 12:24.610 --> 12:27.279 And also I put a little bit of vanilla on 12:27.279 --> 12:31.550 And then for the tea I just put right when I want them heavy cre 12:31.550 --> 12:34.920 and then just wait until like sh a little bit, but not too hot. 12:35.187 --> 12:36.689 So now I'm going to flip it. 12:37.523 --> 12:40.226 You can see it's a little brown, but not burn. 12:40.459 --> 12:41.927 Yeah. 12:41.927 --> 12:44.096 So like perfect texture. 12:44.096 --> 12:47.266 And so this is the part that I always get nervous about 12:47.266 --> 12:49.702 because you don't have the bubbl you don't have the indicators. 12:49.702 --> 12:52.972 So how do we know that we have the right amount of time 12:53.873 --> 12:55.307 for the pancakes on this side? 12:55.307 --> 12:56.709 Time is about one minute. 12:56.709 --> 12:58.811 Up is five, so walk away. 12:58.811 --> 13:00.312 Yeah, well, go quick. 13:00.312 --> 13:01.614 Give it a minute. 13:01.614 --> 13:05.785 You can see, like, actually, thi little policy that's a yes right 13:05.785 --> 13:09.288 So I mean, that's really I mean, the baking soda and the baking p 13:09.288 --> 13:13.159 together is really like in your the key to the Fluffiest thing? 13:13.159 --> 13:15.661 Like I you know, I try with just baking powder. 13:15.661 --> 13:16.829 I don't think it's fluffy now. 13:16.829 --> 13:21.000 So I add baking soda in it and also like buttermilk, 13:21.000 --> 13:23.435 buttermilk does has a little vin added. 13:23.435 --> 13:27.506 Also, if you don't have buttermi in your kitchen, you can do 13:28.340 --> 13:29.308 just regular meal. 13:29.308 --> 13:32.311 And then I'd like to, you know, 13:32.311 --> 13:35.147 teaspoon of vinegar would help, 13:35.481 --> 13:35.981 All right. 13:36.182 --> 13:38.350 I think my pancake is done, gorg 13:39.185 --> 13:40.352 You can see. 13:40.352 --> 13:43.956 No, it's ready. 13:43.956 --> 13:45.925 I'm going to stack like two just 13:45.925 --> 13:47.927 And I said, are we're going to put it togeth 13:48.861 --> 13:49.595 Okay. 13:49.862 --> 13:52.097 So we have our pancakes, we have our ganache. 13:52.097 --> 13:53.532 How do you want to serve it? 13:53.532 --> 13:55.534 I'm going to put drizzle it on t 13:55.534 --> 13:58.204 So on top. And, you know, I don't need a fruit today. 13:58.204 --> 14:01.607 I'm going to beat this, the sweet little thing. 14:02.374 --> 14:05.044 And then I'm going to get like some powdered sugar 14:06.712 --> 14:09.882 sprinkle on top. 14:09.882 --> 14:11.217 Oh, perfect. 14:11.217 --> 14:14.220 Thank you so much for showing us to make these delicious Thai t p 14:14.220 --> 14:15.988 And thank you so much. 14:15.988 --> 14:20.559 It's always time for more pasta. 14:20.559 --> 14:23.128 I am here with Lina Cedillo of t 14:23.128 --> 14:27.132 Square Cafe, which is one of my neighborhood 14:27.132 --> 14:29.034 Thank you so much for being here 14:29.034 --> 14:33.739 We are so happy that you guys ha reopened in your new space, new 14:33.739 --> 14:35.241 But yeah, I was going to say. 14:35.241 --> 14:37.343 But thank you for being here. Ye absolutely. 14:37.343 --> 14:41.247 Thank you for having me excited to get to show off one of our pa 14:41.247 --> 14:45.918 So today we were making an amazi that, as you say, is 14:46.352 --> 14:50.389 like foolproof for those of us who worry about kind of 14:50.389 --> 14:52.491 some of those passes where it's okay, it has to be perfect 14:52.491 --> 14:54.193 and you have to get the right am of pasta water. 14:54.193 --> 14:56.328 And so what are we making today? 14:56.328 --> 15:00.499 So today we're making Gemelli, Olive Zafer, Uno says Sopranos S 15:00.499 --> 15:05.037 And the reason I love this is I cooking, making Roman Italian pa 15:05.037 --> 15:07.072 So your classic carbonara. 15:07.072 --> 15:09.608 Great to catch red Pepe. 15:09.608 --> 15:10.943 All the ones you can screw up. 15:10.943 --> 15:13.379 All the ones that you can screw up. Exactly. 15:13.379 --> 15:15.915 So they're they're very finicky. They take a lot of finesse. 15:15.915 --> 15:18.584 I really want pasta to be someth that's accessible 15:18.584 --> 15:20.586 and people feel great about being able to cook. So, ri 15:21.253 --> 15:23.589 This pasta is really luxurious. 15:23.589 --> 15:27.393 It feels decadent and like somet that would be a showpiece that y 15:27.393 --> 15:29.461 do at a dinner party or for your 15:29.461 --> 15:32.464 But at the same time, it has these little sneaks in it 15:32.464 --> 15:35.968 in terms of the sauce that make very accessible and easy to exec 15:35.968 --> 15:36.702 Right. All right. 15:36.702 --> 15:37.736 So where do we begin? 15:37.970 --> 15:40.973 Talk about the sauce, because th of where everything starts here. 15:40.973 --> 15:44.143 So our sauce is going to come to with two parts. 15:44.143 --> 15:47.246 We're going to make a saffron cr toss here. 15:47.246 --> 15:49.815 Yeah. And what's great about thi can be made ahead of time. 15:49.815 --> 15:52.151 It can sit for like days. Yeah. 15:52.151 --> 15:55.654 So that's really easy and it's an easy for us to put t 15:55.654 --> 15:58.991 So we're going to start with tha in the small pot here. 15:59.124 --> 16:01.493 We're going to start with a little bit of olive oil i 16:02.328 --> 16:04.730 And then these are shallots. 16:05.064 --> 16:07.900 This is about four or five shall going to say, I love it. 16:07.900 --> 16:09.768 I love a sauce with a ton of sal 16:09.768 --> 16:12.271 Yeah, it's like we're starting from a place of deliciousness he 16:12.271 --> 16:13.839 so we're going to put these in h 16:13.839 --> 16:16.775 and we're going to get these goi and let them sweat. 16:16.775 --> 16:18.177 So we're going to hit this with 16:18.177 --> 16:20.112 Salt is going to break down the 16:20.112 --> 16:22.481 It's going to make some of its n liquid come out of it, 16:22.948 --> 16:26.185 and it's going to make us get a ton of flavor without having to 16:26.185 --> 16:28.620 or anything like that. Having to do a ton here. Yeah. 16:28.620 --> 16:32.191 And how long typically should yo these shallots and on what kind 16:32.524 --> 16:33.759 Such a great question. 16:33.759 --> 16:36.028 I have found that home cooks are scared of he 16:36.028 --> 16:40.299 So what I would love to suggest is turn it up high to begin with 16:40.299 --> 16:41.767 You can always turn it down 16:41.767 --> 16:45.437 and then use your senses because the best part about cook 16:45.437 --> 16:47.306 is like you're cooking for yours generally speaking. 16:47.306 --> 16:48.674 So you can do what you want. 16:48.674 --> 16:49.541 Use your senses. 16:49.908 --> 16:52.344 Right now I can't really smell too much yet, but I can hear it. 16:52.344 --> 16:53.345 It's starting to sizzle. 16:53.345 --> 16:55.347 I can't see that there's too muc happening. 16:55.347 --> 16:56.982 There's a little bit of steam 16:56.982 --> 16:59.385 and I keep it on high until I start to see some more g 16:59.385 --> 17:00.319 A lot happening. 17:00.652 --> 17:02.988 So now that my shells are starti to get sweated down a little bit 17:02.988 --> 17:06.458 I can see like visual cues are they're starting to be more tran 17:07.526 --> 17:08.027 again. 17:08.193 --> 17:09.061 There's not really any color 17:09.361 --> 17:13.298 on the bottom of my pot and they're basically just kind 17:13.399 --> 17:16.368 taking up less space, cooking down, turning translucen 17:17.403 --> 17:21.640 Once this is starting to cook do I'm going to decrease it with ou 17:21.640 --> 17:24.410 So in this case, I'm going to be using white wine 17:24.410 --> 17:26.545 and then also champagne vinegar. 17:26.545 --> 17:29.248 The champagne vinegar, I wouldn't traditionally add it 17:29.248 --> 17:32.651 but because I was pulling that n of wanting to have it be like nu 17:32.651 --> 17:35.421 want a lot of friends about chee one with vinegar at the end 17:35.587 --> 17:40.025 to just make it have some like s you know, a little brightness. 17:40.526 --> 17:41.326 Exactly. 17:41.326 --> 17:43.862 So we're going to add both ends 17:44.663 --> 17:47.933 and it's like, I don't know the sound from top 17:48.067 --> 17:52.771 And then after it goes and I'm g to add my saffron in as well to 17:53.038 --> 17:54.573 All right. 17:54.573 --> 17:58.177 Saffron is expensive, admittedly 17:58.177 --> 18:00.345 Yeah. You don't need a lot. 18:00.345 --> 18:02.281 That was like the teeniest, tiniest little thing. 18:02.281 --> 18:04.917 And this is going to make a real really robust floral. Right. 18:04.917 --> 18:06.552 Delicious sauce. 18:06.552 --> 18:11.223 And it's going to start turning like bright yellow orange immedi 18:11.223 --> 18:11.957 and around. 18:12.191 --> 18:14.460 How long total should you be doing this for 18:15.761 --> 18:18.430 while this all of 5 minutes. 18:18.430 --> 18:19.932 We're about to add our cream. 18:19.932 --> 18:20.299 Yeah. 18:20.666 --> 18:22.134 So it's super easy, super fast. 18:22.134 --> 18:25.137 Like this is not something where to stand over it for an hour. 18:25.137 --> 18:27.406 No. And like, again, put it on l 18:27.406 --> 18:28.140 Step away. 18:28.140 --> 18:30.742 It's forgiving if it's here for 18:31.143 --> 18:34.379 Yes. Like it's whatever you need to be where you need it to be. 18:34.379 --> 18:35.481 Yeah, that's right. 18:35.481 --> 18:37.082 So we're about here. 18:37.082 --> 18:39.818 Almost all of my liquid is cut d but I don't have a dry pan. 18:40.586 --> 18:42.488 One thing is, if you are spending the money on 18:42.488 --> 18:44.323 something like saffron, you don't want to lose any of it 18:44.323 --> 18:45.624 So we want to bring the pan. 18:45.624 --> 18:47.593 We don't want to reduce it all. 18:47.593 --> 18:49.628 So now I've got my heavy cream. 18:49.628 --> 18:51.130 We're going to go ahead and add 18:52.164 --> 18:53.132 and I mean, this 18:53.132 --> 18:57.002 is a wonderful amount of heavy c using here. 18:57.002 --> 18:59.638 We're not going to use all of th in one shot. Yeah. 18:59.638 --> 19:04.343 So don't be scared by the amount I in or I like. 19:04.343 --> 19:06.478 I like the amount of cream, righ 19:06.478 --> 19:10.449 And then we're just going to let of simmer lightly and come toget 19:10.449 --> 19:11.650 We don't need to reduce it. 19:11.717 --> 19:14.920 We want to make sure the shallot get all the way to fully tender, 19:14.920 --> 19:18.023 we want to make sure that the cr in all of the flavors. 19:18.023 --> 19:22.027 So this is just a moment for fla to kind of harmoniously join me 19:22.027 --> 19:24.096 And for how long should you let 19:24.496 --> 19:25.664 20 minutes. 19:25.664 --> 19:27.966 Yeah, right. So, like, this is another moment. 19:27.966 --> 19:30.035 Walk away and then come back. Ye 19:30.035 --> 19:31.436 Lighten easy. 19:31.436 --> 19:36.942 All right, so we have blended ou sauce that is at the ready when 19:36.942 --> 19:38.977 Now, this is like the easy part 19:38.977 --> 19:40.512 Yes, this is the easy part. 19:40.512 --> 19:45.517 So one thing, make sure you've g on to a boil or simmer or someth 19:45.517 --> 19:48.520 Have your water. Yes. And salted and salted. 19:48.520 --> 19:51.056 It tastes salty like the sea is behind everythin 19:51.056 --> 19:52.057 Everyone says. 19:52.057 --> 19:54.459 And we're going to add some butt to start. 19:54.459 --> 19:55.961 This is. 19:55.961 --> 19:57.796 Yeah, if that's what you were lo 19:57.796 --> 20:00.532 I think we knew that with the giant pot of heavy crea 20:00.532 --> 20:03.068 Yeah, I think we I think we expe 20:03.068 --> 20:05.137 And we are. We're here for it. A 20:06.004 --> 20:07.339 we're going to add our asparagus 20:07.339 --> 20:09.741 So it is 20:10.809 --> 20:13.378 gorgeous and we're going to sque 20:13.645 --> 20:15.380 Seasoning is key 20:15.647 --> 20:18.717 season every step. Yep. 20:18.717 --> 20:22.921 So that we can start to get this nice and cooked fridge. 20:22.921 --> 20:25.357 Exactly. So we've got this going 20:25.357 --> 20:29.094 Just getting the asparagus a lit start because we're using shrimp 20:29.094 --> 20:31.096 and it's important that we don't overcook our shrim 20:31.363 --> 20:33.765 Um, we're going to add those in pretty soon. 20:33.765 --> 20:37.436 We're using some really big ruby red shrimp, 20:37.436 --> 20:40.105 so they're going to take a little bit of time. 20:40.105 --> 20:42.174 So what we're going to do is we're going to as soon as we 20:42.174 --> 20:46.111 our asparagus is starting to get we're going to go ahead 20:46.111 --> 20:47.179 and add our shrimp in. 20:47.179 --> 20:50.449 So we like shrimp around here. L 20:50.449 --> 20:53.685 For all I was going to say, is t any reason to use less shrimp ev 20:53.685 --> 20:54.853 No, no. 20:54.853 --> 20:58.090 Whenever you have it, you enjoy 20:58.090 --> 20:58.790 Yeah. 20:59.057 --> 21:00.626 Not looking to get color in here 21:00.626 --> 21:02.794 We're not starting. We're just starting to cook. 21:02.794 --> 21:05.631 And because these are so large, I flip them lengthwise 21:06.431 --> 21:10.135 so that we can get right like a even cook. 21:10.135 --> 21:13.405 And also so that as I'm eating t it makes bite sized. 21:13.405 --> 21:14.106 Exactly. 21:14.640 --> 21:17.643 So what I need a little bit, but that's kind of part of the l 21:17.643 --> 21:18.910 It's like, beautiful. Yeah. 21:18.910 --> 21:21.980 But with whatever shrimp you hav 21:21.980 --> 21:22.981 it's going to taste great. Yeah. 21:22.981 --> 21:24.750 And you have your stock and you have your saw. 21:24.750 --> 21:27.653 And again, this is all about that saffron s 21:27.653 --> 21:29.421 So whatever you're putting it wi 21:29.421 --> 21:30.656 Yes. Is great. 21:30.656 --> 21:33.058 So we've got our shrimp in there trying to cook. 21:33.058 --> 21:36.662 This is just a little fresh red flake that we buzz up at the res 21:36.662 --> 21:38.897 We fancy you don't have to. You can just do it. 21:38.897 --> 21:40.565 You can just do it if you want i 21:40.565 --> 21:43.168 But this is why sometimes you want to go into the restaura 21:43.168 --> 21:44.836 Yeah, sometimes you want to cook 21:44.836 --> 21:47.939 So like, if you want it the perf you can. 21:47.939 --> 21:49.975 Square Cafe is there. That's rig 21:49.975 --> 21:51.076 We will be there for you. 21:51.076 --> 21:52.344 Yeah, exactly. 21:52.344 --> 21:54.680 You don't want to make it visual 21:54.680 --> 21:57.015 My fare is starting to turn a li more bright green. 21:57.015 --> 21:59.017 My shrimp are starting to be a little opaq 21:59.017 --> 22:00.452 but translucent in the center. 22:00.452 --> 22:03.689 Still, I want to notice those th because that's the cue 22:03.689 --> 22:06.091 that I need to like, kind of cut off the cooking. 22:06.091 --> 22:09.428 So now I'm going to add my chili like first just to bloom this li 22:09.428 --> 22:11.196 little white chili flake. 22:11.196 --> 22:13.799 Now I'm going to add some of my shrimp stop. 22:13.799 --> 22:16.134 But this is all like flavor on f on flavor 22:16.134 --> 22:19.171 on flavor that's going to kind o cut off the cook a little bit, 22:19.705 --> 22:23.141 let it cool down, and then we're to add our saffron sauce. 22:23.542 --> 22:25.944 And again, like, we are not skimping on this. 22:25.944 --> 22:28.380 Oh, we're going to heart a lot o 22:28.380 --> 22:29.448 Yeah, this is where 22:30.515 --> 22:31.883 we want our sauce. 22:31.883 --> 22:36.121 And then at this point, we can turn this down, we can le 22:36.655 --> 22:40.158 Chill, hang out 22:40.158 --> 22:41.226 right here. 22:41.226 --> 22:44.363 This is okay. I have guests. 22:44.496 --> 22:46.231 They're about to arrive. 22:46.231 --> 22:49.167 I'm going to do this step for th minutes before my guests arrive. 22:49.167 --> 22:51.303 And, yeah, my shrimp are going t sitting in a pot for a while, 22:51.303 --> 22:52.237 but that's okay, right? 22:52.237 --> 22:53.305 Because it's going to be fine. 22:53.438 --> 22:55.407 And again, like, these were not things that you added in. 22:55.407 --> 22:57.409 Like it's cooled it down automat 22:57.409 --> 23:01.813 So then this is a nice pause poi when you're ready, you can drop 23:01.813 --> 23:04.549 So we're going to go ahead and d our pasta. 23:04.549 --> 23:08.153 This is early, which we make in- at Union Square Cafe. 23:08.153 --> 23:12.157 So if the pasta is going to need for like 8 minutes or something 23:12.157 --> 23:15.060 you always want to leave yoursel whatever the cooking time on the 23:15.060 --> 23:17.429 Yeah. Take away for a minute. Ri 23:17.429 --> 23:20.432 Because the box didn't accommoda the fact that you need to cook i 23:20.432 --> 23:21.266 in the pan right. 23:21.266 --> 23:23.101 So subtract 4 minutes. 23:23.101 --> 23:24.903 You'd rather have to go longer i 23:24.903 --> 23:26.772 You can always add some pasta water to the pan. 23:26.772 --> 23:31.042 If it's not quite there, that's be a better look than vice versa 23:31.042 --> 23:34.679 And with fresh pasta, because of if people have a place to get fr 23:34.679 --> 23:37.949 they only have one shape or one like, right, this works with eve 23:37.949 --> 23:41.787 So I would rather it with fresh if you can get it in any shape. 23:41.787 --> 23:45.791 Although honestly, like I don't like a really eggy pasta which i 23:45.791 --> 23:48.460 so rich, you might not need to a any more material to it. 23:48.460 --> 23:51.463 So like spaghetti at the grocery right? 23:51.463 --> 23:52.597 I don't feel bad about it. 23:52.597 --> 23:54.800 Yes, I never feel bad about spag 23:54.800 --> 23:56.735 Yeah, everyone's happy with spag 23:56.735 --> 23:59.871 I'm going to jump over here and start chopping up some of th 23:59.871 --> 24:03.108 So again, I've got chives, basil and parsl 24:03.275 --> 24:07.312 But do you write whatever works? 24:07.312 --> 24:07.746 Yeah. 24:08.547 --> 24:11.783 So we're just going to and I like everything super h 24:11.783 --> 24:14.219 I think herbs are like the key t 24:14.219 --> 24:18.557 And I think so often people are forget those last few steps in t 24:18.557 --> 24:20.125 And those are the defining ones. 24:20.125 --> 24:22.961 So lemon juice herbs 24:23.428 --> 24:26.665 can be like the difference between restaurant quality food 24:26.665 --> 24:28.467 Yeah, we've got chives here. 24:28.467 --> 24:30.669 We're going to take basil from your knife through. 24:30.969 --> 24:34.172 Yeah, yeah, I'm going to rest that and I'm going to come join 24:34.339 --> 24:37.008 so that you have a winning time. 24:37.008 --> 24:38.343 So now we're going to let this r 24:38.343 --> 24:39.911 We're going to get it on high he 24:39.911 --> 24:42.514 so that the noodles will finish the shrimp will finish cooking. 24:42.781 --> 24:44.749 Everybody's coming together. 24:44.749 --> 24:47.252 How do you know the difference between almost done and done? 24:47.752 --> 24:49.120 Great question. 24:49.120 --> 24:53.158 It's all about consistency and i all about personal preference, t 24:53.158 --> 24:55.594 So for me, I went to the hospita look coded. 24:55.594 --> 24:57.429 So we are just about there. 24:57.429 --> 24:59.831 We're going to do some lemon juice in here, 24:59.831 --> 25:03.502 which if you've got one of those lemon squeezer things, you can o 25:03.702 --> 25:06.304 Yeah, whatever, whatever works, 25:06.538 --> 25:09.875 just make sure to use a fresh le 25:09.875 --> 25:14.846 But do not abide putting fake le on your saffron. 25:14.846 --> 25:16.681 No, not. It's not nice. 25:16.681 --> 25:18.350 No, not my ideal. 25:18.350 --> 25:20.986 So now we're looking pretty good There's sauce, but not a ton lef 25:21.720 --> 25:24.289 So I'm going to turn this down so we can talk herbs for a secon 25:24.289 --> 25:27.292 Now we're going to add all ten. 25:27.292 --> 25:29.027 So a lot of parsley. 25:29.027 --> 25:31.897 I was going to say I love the heavy handed urban ne 25:31.897 --> 25:35.233 Yes, it's like you are not we're not shy with the saffr 25:35.233 --> 25:36.868 We are not shy with the heavy cr 25:36.868 --> 25:38.904 We're not shy with the herbs like these on change. 25:39.905 --> 25:42.307 This is a recipe that is there f 25:42.307 --> 25:44.543 Yeah, it wants all the things. 25:44.543 --> 25:46.144 A whole bunch of chives. 25:46.144 --> 25:47.078 So gorgeous. 25:47.078 --> 25:48.146 Something into the party. 25:48.146 --> 25:50.248 And now our final toss. Toss. 25:50.248 --> 25:53.919 And again, you could even you could even get this up to he 25:53.919 --> 25:56.555 without the birds and bourbon at the last second. 25:56.555 --> 25:58.723 If you want it to be super safe 25:58.723 --> 26:00.926 now, we're just going to get all those tossed in, 26:00.926 --> 26:02.561 make sure they're nice and coate 26:02.561 --> 26:05.597 I had enough sauce left in the p that I can coat everything nicel 26:06.031 --> 26:11.269 and you can still see a little b of sauce, but not too much, righ 26:11.269 --> 26:15.607 Thank you so much for showing us amazing recipe, giving us so muc 26:15.607 --> 26:19.244 for making better sauces, delicious sauces, treating ourse 26:19.244 --> 26:21.546 Now we know how to make it at home. Thank you so much. 26:23.381 --> 26:26.051 Thanks so much for coming along on tonight's jo 26:26.051 --> 26:29.621 If you want more, you can always more at potluckwithali.com, 26:29.754 --> 26:32.390 or you can learn more about us a NYC Life at 26:32.390 --> 26:34.426 nyc.gov/media 26:34.793 --> 26:35.961 Until next time.